Your security is our top priority

Discover the measures we take to protect your funds and information.

Segregated funds

Segregated funds

Your capital is segregated from the company’s funds and is never used for the company’s business interests.
Top-tier banks

Top-tier banks

We only partner with top-tier, low-credit-risk banks to ensure our clients’ funds are protected.
Capital adequacy

Capital adequacy

We maintain sufficient liquid capital to safeguard our clients’ funds and assets.

Security of accounts

Ensuring your personal data is secure and protected is a key priority for us, that’s why we have a range of measures in place to detect and prevent potential security breaches.
Two-factor authentication icon
Two-factor authentication (2FA)
We promote using 2FA – a security enhancement feature to improve your account’s protection against unauthorised access.
One-time password verification icon
One-time password verification
OTP provides you with an opportunity to verify the agent contacting you by phone, as an additional measure to prevent our clients from being contacted by fraudsters.
Risk awareness and education icon
Risk awareness and education
We encourage responsible trading and value your safety, ensuring all our clients are informed and educated about potential risks a trading activity may involve. 

Staying safe online

With fraudsters constantly coming up with new ways and reasons to contact potential victims, it is important to be vigilant both online and offline.


  • Always log out of your account at the end of a session.
  • Stay alert, question any communications you receive.
  • Update your password at least every 3 months.
  • Enable two-factor authentication where possible.


  • Never share your login credentials.
  • Do not engage with fraudsters.
  • Never allow a third party to access your device.
If you receive suspicious communication - email, phone call, WhatsApp, or SMS from someone claiming to be from, or affiliated with CopyleadTrader, please do not disclose any information, or click on any links. If you are unsure of any communication from CopyleadTrader, please contact our client support team.

Update your passwords directly through CopyleadTrader Portal, and report any suspicious activity as soon as possible.

Trade across 4,000 instruments

Assess your trading tactics and analysis on a diverse range of global markets.